by artist Andrew Lawrence

Fine art photos that are cool and colorful
by artist Andrew Lawrence
In his creative photographic fine art, specializing in Nature, Andrew Lawrence takes objects in his environment and turns them into cool color photos, fine art that can stimulate positive emotions, specializing in colors that evoke bright beauty and uplift the spirit.
Art is worldwide. In a typical week my site gets visitors from many countries around the world, including
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I had a weird dream. I dreamt that I was editing images of a red planet. A red planet? Mars? The scene kept on repeating itself, me editing images of a red planet. Why would I be dreaming of editing images of Mars? What did it mean? It made no sense. I do not edit photos for NASA. Or any astronomical organization. Where did the images of a red planet come from? Why did I have the images? Why was I editing them? Strange dream. Weird dream. What could it possibly mean?
An idea popped into my head. Why don't I look up the meaning of the dream online. Not that I expected to find the meaning of dreaming about editing images of a red planet. Oh, wait a minute. Why don't I try AI? Maybe there's a online AI dream interpretation site. I looked on google. There was an AI dream interpreter.
I went to the site and entered my dream. "Editing images of a red planet." Here is what it said
Dreams can have personal meanings and can vary based on individual experiences and emotions. However, here are some possible interpretations for editing images of a red planet:
1. Exploration and curiosity: The red planet could symbolize Mars, a planet associated with exploration and discovery. Editing images of it may reflect your desire to learn and explore new territories or ideas in waking life. 2. Transformation and creativity: Editing images represents the act of altering or enhancing something, which could signify a desire for self-improvement or personal transformation. The red planet's color may symbolize passion, energy, or creative impulses. 3. Unresolved emotions: The red color might also relate to intense emotions, anger, or frustration. Editing the images could represent your efforts to find ways to cope with or modify these feelings. 4. Ambition and goals: Red is often associated with motivation, power, and determination. This dream may reflect your strong ambitions and your commitment to achieving your goals, especially in areas that are currently unexplored or uncharted.
Remember, the interpretation of a dream is subjective, and it's important to consider your personal associations and feelings towards the symbols in your dream when trying to understand its meaning.
Wow! That was a pretty good, pretty accurate interpretation! From AI. From an artificial intelligence source. I was impressed. And a little scared. AI read my mind. AI interpreted my dream, the inner workings of my inner mind.
Welcome to a new world. An AI world. Luckily, this time AI helped a human. Me.
Trump Art
Andrew Lawrence
Based on the felony conviction of Donald Trump
on May 30, 2024 by a New York City Court
here is a Trump photo for your wall
I created a collection called "Painterly Photos". It's a collection of selected fine art photographs from my Fine Art America online portfolio, photos I created which give the impression/illusion of a painting, drawing or other brushwork art. Take a look.
How To Buy Art
What is a good way to buy decorative photographic fine art?
Find a work(s) of art that you love.
Decide on a size. 8x10. 16x20. Larger?
Check the price of that size.
If you can afford it, and/or are willing to pay that price, buy it.
Put it where you can see it, everyday. Enjoy your new art...for the rest of your life, or whenever you decide to change it.
Start here:
ATTN museums, galleries, art media and art buyers
I am a productive artist. Very productive.
As of October, 2024 I have been doing fine art photography for 5 years. I started in September 2019. In early October 2024, 5 years later, I had created 3,800 works of art. That's an average of over 750 a year. An average of more than 2 per day.
I am a creative artist who, on an ongoing basis, has created 2 works of art per day? 15 works of art a week? Wow, I AM productive. And creative. I create cool color photos, works of art.
And now, I am ready to reap the rewards, I am ready to become an emerging artist, an established artist. I am ready, willing and able to gain worldwide recognition, to have my cool color photos purchased, and enjoyed, by people all over the world.
Get some of my cool color photos before I become internationally famous and my art sells for thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands or millions!
As of today, if I am alive and functioning I am still productively creating cool color photos.
My photographic process has 5 main steps.
First, I find something(s) to take a picture of.
I shoot the picture(s).
Later, I transfer the picture(s) from my camera to my laptop.
I edit the image(s) using 3 different photo editing apps. Depending on how many images I took editing can take hours. Or days.
And sometimes, as a 4th editing tool, I also use AI, artificial intelligence, to further edit a photo.
After editing, I evaluate the results. According to my own artistic standards I select the acceptable finished photo(s) and upload the final product(s) to my online portfolio at Fine Art America.
The entire process can take hours. Or days.
Some of my fine art photos end up in my computer trash bin. Some are deemed more or less acceptable and kept, not utilized but saved as final images on my computer. Some are deemed good (or great) and end up in my portfolio. I never know what the result will be until I finish final editing.
Available as a digital download. 300 dpi. 8 x 10 inches. Yes, you get all 5 of the million dollar bills in one photo. To get yours visit my listing on Etsy
This item also available as a physical print or framed art, in various sizes. On the famed there is no official US
government million dollar bill. The million dollar bill is considered a novelty
and, in this case, it is million dollar photographic art. And my money manifester.
AI Goes Woke
AI artist creates futuristic Woke art:
Transgender Cyborg
Artist Andrew Lawrence, of Los Angeles, California, has now used artificial intelligence to create what many people may consider to be
AI Woke
Via AI text-to-image generation, Andrew created futuristic artificial intelligence images of a black female cyborg, an Asian
female cyborg and a transgender cyborg.
How and why
did the artist decide to create futuristic AI Woke Art?
According to
Andrew, he didn’t decide to create futuristic AI Woke art, it came about by accident.
“After many years as a fashion photographer I’ve been creating fine art photography for 4 years. I create cool color photos. Mostly cool color images of Nature. And abstracts. While using artificial intelligence to edit my existing original
fine art photos I apparently may have created an image of a stunning eye-popping
black female cyborg. I liked it
so much I then went on to use AI to create other 'Woke' cyborg images.”
states that he did not set out to create Woke Art. “It’s art”, he says. “Futuristic
AI art. If people want to consider my art as an AI generated artistic political statement, as
Woke Art, they can do so. I didn’t create these images to make a political statement,
I did it to create art. Cool colorful art. Using AI. And, for whatever reason(s), people and organizations worldwide can also buy my AI “Woke” art and hang it on their wall - because it’s show stopping futuristic
AI art and very very cool. Whether it's Woke or not.
Lawrence continues, “They can see all my cyborg images, all my AI art,
and my thousands of other fine art photos on Fine Art America. Or visit my website,”
Whether you consider the art Woke, or just plain futuristic cool AI, artificial intelligence is a new hot trend in the art world, technology and entertainment.
# # #
Andrew Lawrence is a Creative, with an artist portfolio of more than 3,000 fine art photos and is also the author of 20 life improvement books, including "The Happiness Transformation: how to be happy now and for the rest of your life" .
The media or organizations may contact me re buying or using my AI artwork and/or this article
contact: andls (AT)
Updated motto
It used to be said that a picture is worth 1,000 words.
Now, with inflation, a picture is worth 5,000 words.
January 2023
There is also an artist interview of me featured online in "Our Arts Magazine". To read it go to:
Someone asked if I would enjoy taking an "art" holiday, i.e. when I went somewhere on a vacation would I take my camera and spend time taking pictures. Here was my response
Yes, an extended art holiday. As soon as I win a lottery jackpot. $10 million or more, cash, after taxes. I would buy a new $5,000 camera and go on the road throughout America in a new smallish $200,000 RV. A rich simple nomad fine art photographer artist. If I were younger and healthier (in my 30's or 40's or 50's) and won a big lottery jackpot I would travel the world, with my camera and laptop (for editing). Meanwhile, I enjoy taking and making fine art pictures close to home in scenic Southern California.
Photography does not have to be realistic, does not have to reflect real life. Fine art photography can be, well, art. Here are 2 examples, 2 fine art "pretty bird" photos I created in November 2022.
Yes, you can see more of my 3,000 fine art photos at
I have a strong desire to help people become better photographers or to start doing fine art photography. I even created a pdf book download with motivating photography advice and tips. It's FREE!
Did you view my art? Did you like my art? Did you enjoy it?
Looking, enjoying, but not buying art right now?
If you are not buying art right now you can still let me know how much you like my art. How? By making a donation. As I am not a best selling artist (yet) and camera equipment, travel & transportation, gasoline et al is not free your donation will not only let me know how much you like my art but will help offset my art expenses.
How much can you donate? As much as you wish. A $5 donation tells me you like my art. A $10 donation tells me you really like my art. $25 tells me you like my art a lot. $50-$100 tells me that you love my art. Any amount over that is up to you, and will be appreciated as a reward for creating cool color photos. You decide.
To proceed click on the paypal button below